Sunday, July 6, 2014

Petition for Prayer: when it rains, it pours!

As we prepare to leave Kenya......

In 12 days our family will be launching from Jomo Kenyatta National Airport headed for Chicago and one year at home for Homeland Ministry Assignment.  Our daughter Melody graduates from Rift Valley Academy on July 17th and the next evening we depart from Kenya.  Our two oldest kids will be starting University studies, both medical related, in the next two months.  Melody starts nursing school at Cedarville University in mid August and Steven begins an Associate degree in paramedic medicine in early September at Southwest Michigan College.    Transitions for our family have come with different stressors over the last 18 years as missionaries with World Gospel Mission.  This one seems to be especially filled with unexpected events just prior to our departure:

1.  Mike's parents were both admitted to a Greenville, SC hospital on Thursday with completely different problems, Mom after shoulder surgery experiencing respiratory complications, and Dad with acute heart problems stemming from a heart rhythm problem.  Mom was admitted to the ICU with very low oxygen levels and Dad to the cardiac unit with a very rapid heart rate and congestive heart failure. They were admitted just hours apart from one another.   Dad Chupp saw Mom being wheeled by on a stretcher as he was being treated in the Emergency Room.  They are now both just four doors apart on a regular med/surg unit at Greenville Memorial Hospital.  While Mom is improving, Dad still has the rapid heart rate and likely to stay in the hospital for several days.  Dad just turned 73 last weekend.

2. We received an email this morning with the news that the basement of our home in Michigan had flooded due to thunder storms that dumped tons of rain on our area AND knocked out our power so that the sump pump in the basement was not working.  Our rental agent is working on getting the water out of the basement as I write and we are trusting that insurance will cover the cost for this endeavor.

3.  Concerns for peace and security in Kenya:  tomorrow the Opposition party in Kenya has planned a large rally in downtown Nairobi which will be broadcast on national television.   It is linked to a very sad day in Kenyan history called "Saba saba" or 7th of July when protestors and police clashed in Kenya several years ago and many Kenyans died.  As missionaries we are planning on staying put at Tenwek and at other sites in Kenya in case things turn violent in association with the planned rally.  We would appreciate your prayers as well that God's Spirit will bring peace and quiet over this event and situation, protecting the lives of Kenyans and others all over this nation.

4. As Medical Director at Tenwek, Mike has been playing a key role in some new initiatives and projects that are very important for this ministry.   Included in these initiatives is a brand new Task Force at Tenwek to discuss and explore ways that Tenwek Hospital can become more missional and outreach focused, looking at making a difference as an institution in unreached areas of Kenya and East Africa.  This group meets for the first time on Tuesday this week so we would ask you to pray for this effort.  Even though Mike will only be attending one meeting before we leave, please pray that the results of this first meeting will be foundational for the efforts that follow and that there will be a real sense of excitement, calling, and urgency to accomplish this vision. 

5. Final week of work:  in addition to the new Task Force above, both Pam and I are facing very important hand overs for our station and hospital and mission responsibilities.   Would you pray that God will help us to finish well in the coming few days so that those taking our places will be informed, equipped, and settled as we leave? 

Sometimes when it rains, it pours (and floods your basement!) and it feels today like some stressors have rained down on us.  Thanks for responding to this appeal to pray.  We look forward to seeing many of you who have lifted us up over the last 18 years since we came as missionaries to Tenwek Hospital.   Our prayer today echoes that of Moses in Psalm 90:17  " And may the Lord our God show us His approval and make our efforts successful, yes, make our efforts successful."

Be blessed BIG this week,

Mike and Pam Chupp
Missionaries with World Gospel Mission
Serving at Tenwek Hospital since 1996

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