Thursday, May 13, 2010

May update

We want to let you know a little bit about what's happening with us this month. Mike and I were able to go to Washington D.C. last month to visit a supporting church of ours. The great thing was that Mike's mom came to stay with the kids, so we were able to go alone! We had a wonderful couple of days to ourselves, and managed to have a fun day at the Mall, walking and looking at the monuments, capitol building, white house, etc. I think we walked more than 7 miles that day! Our visit with Ambassador Bible Church was wonderful and a great encouragement to us.

Our plans for Kenya continue to fall into place! I have begun doing a bit of initial sorting and packing of our belongings, as we leave the country in less than two months. We were able to purchase our airline tickets, and depart from Chicago on July 9th. The kids have just 3 weeks of school left, after which we will be packing up the house and leaving the area on June 18th. We plan to travel south to see family and friends for the last time before we leave. Then we will return to Michigan for our flight out of Chicago.

As you can probably tell, I really like to know what's going to happen. I like lists, structure and organization, and most of all, I like to PLAN! However, sometimes I have no control over a plan. We find ourselves in this situation now, when the "plan" is a bit fuzzy and not set in stone. The boarding school, Rift Valley Academy, where we hope our two oldest children will go to school next year, still does not have any openings for them. We have received some positive e-mails from the admissions director, and we are hoping to hear that Melody has been accepted very soon. Steven is #2 on the waiting list, but as of now, there is no additional bed space for Grade 11 boys. At this point, we do not see any other alternative for schooling for Steven. This is a huge faith-builder for us, and my prayer life has increased 10-fold because of this need! I know that them getting into the school is totally and completely up to God and that I can do nothing to "speed up" the process. Please join us in prayer for this very urgent need.

In addition, we are working with a rental manager to find someone to rent our home when we leave. We hope to have it rented as of July 1, Lord willing. We are praying for the right people to come along, at just the right time.

Finally, we still lack about $2,000 per month in support. If you have been thinking about supporting our ministry, please let us know, so that we can get a good idea of what we still need to raise.

These issues can weigh heavily on my mind, but I am learning to trust God's timing, and believe that if He wants us in Kenya, these details that look so huge to me are so very easy for Him to manage. I can honestly say God has given me a "peace that passes understanding" because even I don't really understand it! I want to rest in Him and watch what He does and not worry about the "plan".

Thank you for joining us on this journey, and may He increase your trust and faith as He meets your needs in His time.

Trusting and believing,


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